Based on my own personal experience, these are the steps that you're required to take if you're genuinely seeking the truth and you're desperate for answers:
- Thou shall shut down the mainstream media, for they are weapons of mass deception.
- Thou shall not care what people would think about you, should the truth be unpopular.
- Thou shall be prepared for the costs, even if it means you're going to lose everything.
- Thou shall not trust anyone, including yourself, but wholly and only trust your Creator.
- Thou shall ask, and thou shall receive!
Thou shall find the truth, and the truth shall set you free!
Now, you might take issue with step 4, because I say you shall not even trust yourself but only trust your Creator. You might ask: "How do we know if we have a Creator in the first place?" Or "How will we know if our Creator is telling us the truth or not?"
Romans 1:18-22 tells us that everybody knows there's a Creator from the things that have been made because God has made it clear to them, such that they're without excuse. It goes on and tells us that sometimes people suppress the truth, and as a result, their thinking becomes foolish, even though they profess to be wise. I tried to demonstrate the foolishness of denying God in my previous article, Debunking Atheism. I showed in my article how the naturalistic and/or atheistic worldview self-destructs and gets reduced to absurdity.
There are two problems with the second question. First, it's self-undermining; in other words, it presupposes that there is a way to know if our Creator is deceiving us or not while it goes on and expects a satisfying answer, which would be impossible should we be living in a world where its creator is deceiving us. The second problem with this question is that it presupposes that the Creator of everything and everyone does not have the ability to reveal and/or prove the truth to us, such that afterwards we'll know that it's the truth and that He's not deceiving us; in other words, it poses a limit on God that would be hypothetically impossible.